Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Mummy have been real busy recently.
Thus I have no time to use the computer too.
Been real busy myself too.
A busy bee and a lazy bum.

This is me. (: *the culprit*

One of Mummy's shoe is here.

And the other flew over here. oops.

After my first grooming.

The PIG.


How did those shoes get here and placed so beautifully?

You guessed right.
I moved those shoes there.
Because I was angry at Mummy for coming home so late from work.
She is working for 3 weeks only.
Thank god. (:
Have a nice weekend.


powder-puff said...

hey rainy!!!

I LUV to eat shoes, but i only wish i had your "shoe moving" powers!!!

great pictures, you look sssoooo handsome after your grooming!!

have a pawsome weekend Rainy!!

peace out

WanJun (: said...

puff! thanks for leaving me comments every now and then! appreciate that lots. *woof* have a great weekend too. *Paw Five*