Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pictures up! :D

Grumpy face.

The silly me.

Mummy said that this is suppose to be me, a coconut head. >.<
Drawn by Ah-gong.

Ah-ma giving me my bone.

Rahh! I CHEW!

Walk walk.

When is she going to give me my treat?!

Where'd everyone go?

Ooooh! There they are.

I have videos too.
But Mummy have not uploaded them yet.
So maybe tomorrow or so. (:


powder-puff said...

hey RAINY!!!!

Great photos MR.rainy, i especially LUV the pic of you going after your CHEW!!!

cant wait for the videos!!!

peace out

WanJun (: said...

Puff, sure thing. (: will upload the video as soon as it is done. :D

Paws, Rainy.